FARC’S Brexit
Last Friday UK’s (United Kingdom government, headed by Boris Johnson, Ratified the mandate that the British people extended in June 2016, 52% of citizens voted and agree in favor of their country withdrawing from the European Union. As it is the popular adage saying that «the voice of the people is the voice of God.» Four months after the British referendum, we Colombians went to the polls to pronounce ourselves, through a plebiscite, regarding the agreement between Santos the Hypocrite tartuffe and the leaders of the Farc in which 50.2% of the votes were for the NO.
Both plebiscite British and Colombian where under popular consultations and defined by a narrow margin. But, in democracy, you don’t win by little or by much, you win or you lose. And, to guarantee the health of institutions and democratic freedom, the results of the polls, regardless of likes or dislikes, have to be complied with Republican greatness. Machiavelli included a chapter taken from Tito Livio’s analysis speeches whose title says it all: The crowd is wiser and more constant than a prince.
The rules of the game must be respected. After making the corresponding adjustments, the government of Prime Minister Johnson complied with the order issued by the people, and the 31st of January Brussels officially registered UK’s exit.
Something goes from the British democratic mood to the arbitrariness of the political swindler Juan Manuel Santos, who arbitrarily ignored the result of the plebiscite, supported by a plethora of corrupt politicians and protected by the questionable Nobel Peace Prize, which was opportunely given by the Norwegian government – country which served as guarantor of the impunity pact agreed with the FARC in Havana. If the Hypocrite Tartuffe of Santos and his clique had not trampled on Colombian democracy in the way they did, the reality of our country would be very different. To start we would not have to suffer from the JEP (unbearable monument to impunity) or those responsible for the maximum crimes against humanity that our country has known, strutting through the streets, making defiant ostentation before society, in general, and his victims, in particular.
Stable and lasting peace is not built through abusive ignorance of the will of the governed. Let us reflect for a moment, imagining the chaos that would have been generated throughout the world if the result of Brexit had been in favor of remaining in the EU and, in spite of that, the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, fierce critic of the Union, would have withdrawn Uk without agreement. In a serious country like uk would be unacceptable.
In Colombia, on account of the monstrous stutter trap and its accomplices, we have been in a horrifying situation: democracy badly wounded and, what is worse, society hopelessly fractured, because more than 50% of citizens, day by day we have to bear that our voice was ignored and that the will we emit through the sacred vow has been eagerly unknown. Now, when an expanded government coalition begins to be formed around President Duque, it would be well worth it that, in the political agenda of that understanding, a comprehensive review of the agreement with the terrorist band Farc is included and the intelligent way of identifying fulfill the mandate that the people sealed on October 2, 2016.
Nothing good can come out of an orchestrated trap to kneel in the homeland, to the detriment of the State and in favor of those whose hands are stained with so much innocent blood.
Bonus I: I have no doubt that prosecutor Francisco Barbosa will make impeccable management in front of the prosecutor: not only does he have the legal capacity to do so, but also the moral solvency and determination to achieve it.
Bonus II: Applause standing for that extraordinary citizen who released three criminals who wanted to assault him in the city of Bogotá. That should be the end of all those bandits.
Bonus III: The «quiet one » is now Cecilia Orozco Tascón, who, since the assembly dropped of her alleged «wiretap» to the Court, has not said anything ; Nor have open their mouth the “Felix”, the Colonels, the “Bejaranos” and so many other Conniving misleaders. This is the truth: Mrs. Orozco stopped being a journalist to become a professional slanderer.
Bonus IV: The world is completely Mad : it seeks, by all means, to stop the demographic explosion to, among other things, combat climate change and guarantee the future of “our children”. Abortions, euthanasia, family planning, among other tools for that purpose, are the order of the day. But, now, just when the coronavirus threatens to erase from the map half humanity, everyone walks to the races to find how to cure it and thus guarantee the conservation of the species. Who understands this mess? Mandrake can have disclosed.